Fourth workday: mouth open all journey

Today was a hard day, we need more hours per day Mr Earth!!

In the morning we had a presentation related to the Chinese consumer segments, very well documented, by Ramiro García, a nice businessman that showed us lots of things during the day (he comes with us also during the company visits). The pont:260 millions of rich people in China, apart of more classes with different needs!!

Next, Lin Dai instructed  about Chinese demography, customs, trends and ways of think, according to their culture and situations, she knows very well the differences with Westerns thanks to her experience


After lunch, we traveled to Ningbo, were private investors are creating a very complex and complete city only for businesses, thinking in Chinese development, high technology and the environment around the river  they designed the city

And for last, we visited the European park inside this complex, with some visits to the facilities and talks from the Spaniards who rule there, pretty important questions were answered!!

Also we has a  question time with Mr Chu, one of the founders of the European Park, that speak Spanish very well.


See you!!


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