A Journey for Nothing ?


Migration Picture 1

Source: The Guardian 


As most of you have probably noticed, the media these days is full of headlines talking about the migration problem we are facing in Europe, the recent tragedy in the Mediterranean Sea being one of the biggest migration tragedies to date. The continent is confronted by a rapidly escalating migration crisis – governments both National and Regional (EU) are struggling to cope with this problem and have difficulties finding a general consensus over the shared responsibilities and actions to be taken.




                   Source: BBC


But have you ever questioned yourself why this is happening? Do you know why millions of people are deciding to take this deadly journey? Do you have any idea how they are treated once they survive they journey? Is migration really a problem…..or is it an opportunity?


immigrant women

                     Source: http://goo.gl/nnhZ6u


With these questions at the back of our minds we embarked on our own journey to get answers. Throughout the research we have done, some of the stories have left emotional scars and some have been sources of inspiration and this has encouraged us to dig deeper and get a better understanding from the perspective of those who have undertaken it, what circumstances the migrants live in, how they are treated throughout the journey and also what their life looks like after finally receiving the “golden ticket.”

Our aim is to develop a tool to assist migrants as they embark on their new life. We do not just want to help them thrive but also want to be part of their journey towards a better life – the life they were initially aiming for.


written by Anna, Annette, Lucia and Nada

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