A Weekend in the NorthWest Area

My first weekend in Portland started on Thursday 1 of March right after visiting the eco trust building and receiving a talk from David Yudkin owner of Hotlips Pizza. We had some time to spare before heading to the Rose Garden Arena to watch a match between the Portland Trail Blazers and the Miami Heat. At first the Blazers were winning 14-6 but soon came the Miami Heat tied them and took the lead pretty much for the rest of the match. Although it was a pity seeing the home team for who we were cheering loose, going to an NBA match was extremely exiting. It really was like nothing I had seen before the whole thing is more than a sports match it’s a show they put on from the music, lights, the narrator of the game, to cheerleaders and the half match entertainment was nothing but good fun.

As for the rest of the weekend some of my friends and I planned out a trip to go check out the North American nature on north west of the United States, for our long weekend off. So the idea was to take one of the vans out that the group rented and head up to Washington State to visit Olympic National Park. Our first stop would be Port of Angeles, where we stayed Friday night on motel we found along the road. Then on Saturday morning we got up early and headed to Hurricane Ridge were we took 5 hour walk on snow shoes to encounter one the most impressive scenarios I have seen. It was crazy seeing the view on one side you had mountains covered in pine trees and snow and on the other you could see the ocean, and you found yourself on the middle of nowhere, on the top of the mountain covered in snow were at times saw the tip of huge pine trees showing up that were under you. But all good things must come to an end so after a couple of hours up there we got down to parking made our bags and drove into the night till we reached the Makah Indian Reserve in Neah Bay. Here you drove around for a while until we found another resting place to sleep and prepare for our last day of adventures on Washington.

The next day was foggy Sunday morning we woke up to find out our backyard was a huge pine tree forest and across the street we had the bay with its marina. We took off to make a walk of about an hour to a watch point as far in the northwest tip of the United States as we could be. Where we saw some bays with some of the most amusing rock formations I’ve seen carved bythe power of waves through millions of years. By the end we finished our walk it was still before noon so we headed to another region of Olympic national park a couple of hours south. Once we got there it was raining and a bit cold but we still had the spirit for doing another hike. Here we found a temperate rainforest with huge trees growing everywhere and all covered moss that seemed like something out of this planet. After about four hours here we headed back to Portland to get a good night sleep after a tiring week ended of hiking and nature.





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