Blog 1. Portland week 1. february 24th to march 4 th

The trip began on Friday night because I tried to be awake in order to sleep in the plane. The trip was tired but relatively quick. We arrived and took the vans, and it was the starting point of this incredible trip which lasted only two weeks. Sunday was quiet, we visited Portland downtown and we went to dinner and a have a drink. Some left early, others later … but Portland adventure had just started.

Howard, which would be our tutor / guide during the two weeks, met us on Monday at the hotel. I can only be grateful for the work since all visits / conferences have been truly amazing!

On Monday we visited Columbia, which certainly surprised met. I did not know the huge efforts that they put on social corporate responsibility. After this visit we went shopping (I personally bought a couple of thermal shirts and leotard to be prepare since we went to Olympia National Park the following weekend). Then we went to see the campus of the University of Portland where I was surprised by its green and huge spaces (very American style of course).

On Tuesday we visited Portland Purple Water. The presentation was given by Jason which I personally congratulate for his initiative. I think it is a brilliant idea that can be applied in the future worldwide. In the afternoon, we met students in the Spanish class! It was very pleasant and interesting to have this opportunity!

On Wednesday we went to the university to attend to three lectures on new buildings, Natural Step and Portland General Electric. All were very interesting but perhaps me most surprised for me was how the electricity market works in a country so big!

On Thursday we went to Ecotrust. It was simply amazing. From my point of view It is a perfect idea to rehabilitate a building in order to create synergies between users to enhance business (Excluding also the reduction in consumption an so on). I would also stress the theory (presentation) and the practice of Hot Lips Pizza (it tasted really good!. A fascinating idea of ​​sustainability, using local seasonal and local ingredients seems to me the best idea to boost the local economy according to the harvest conditions. After class we went to watch the game between Portland against Miami. It was unbelievable, instead of a basketball game it liked to be a show …music all the time … cheerleaders every 5 minuts…

And finally … Friday morning we left to the Olympia National Parc. The only thing that I have to say is that, probably this trip was the most amazing trip I’ve never  done in my life. To be inside the national parc, walking 4 hours with snow shoes, enjoying the nature was an excellent experience. Also I do not want to forget that, this travel had not been so amazing without a perfect fellow travellers. Ruben, Javi and Piotr, I want to say you that thank you for the trip! I do not have enough words to say thank you for this trip! I leave a picture that we took when we reach the peak of the Huricane Ridge in the Olimpia National Parc.




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