Case Study of Las Rozas. Locking for an implementation of SIA and EIA

This is an issue that affects my environment and me directly. I live in an area where it supposed to be well know however as you are going to see it is suffering a huge environmental problem related with water sanitation. An implementation of a Strategic Impact Assessement or an Environmental Impact Assessment in the urban planning of all the areas affected would have avoided this huge problem.

As a result of hypertrophy urban sanitation networks in many towns of Spain are in a state of increasing saturation that generates a generalized deficit in some cases extremely situations that is having serious consequences for environmental and public health.

This state deficit in the sewerage system is in many cases the hidden face of the massive housing development, often aimed at homes that are advertised as luxury and yet have network sanitation of a third World country. Las Rozas de Madrid is a city paradigmatic of this situation. Its population has increased almost 1,500% over the last twenty years and now claims 2,500% wound to the new urban planning.

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These channels come of the sewer deficit of their own neighborhoods, municipal sewage or saturated or malfunction, and in other cases of direct discharges of the same municipality or in discharging the rivers from other municipalities such as Torrelodones and Galapagar that pass through Las Rozas.

Now we have to face the case of a municipality crossed by numerous streams that should be dry however instead of that the most part of the year they are sewage channels of the whole municipality. Most of the streams and floodplains of Las Rozas are contaminated. In some cases we can find new streams that has arisen because of the overload of the other sewage channels. The major part of this waste has been produced continuously for over 15 years. It is not difficult to see sludge sedimented in the channels contaminated.

Since 8 years ago there are evidence of repeated complaints from the neighbors and different communities of Las Rozas such as Molino de la Hoz, Monte Rozas and Parque Rozas however the municipality in rarely situation is taking action in order to solve the problem. The municipality have not started any kind of large-scale renovation which is a serious dereliction of duties from the administration as well as the autonomic one which is responsible for the safety in terms of urbanism and environment of the citizens.



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