Climate Change: CDM Solar Cooker

CDM is a cooperative mechanism established under the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework convention on Climate Change. The purpose of CDM projects is to assist non annex 1 parties in achieving sustainable development while allowing annex I countries to meet their emission targets through carbon credits generated through implementation of projects. CDM is subject to authority and guidance of the parties serving the meeting of COP/MOP to KP and is supervised by an executive board. Eligible projects include:
• end use energy efficiency improvements,
• Supply-side efficiency improvements
• Renewable energy
• Fuel switching
• Agriculture ( CH4 and NO2 reduction projects )
• Industrial process
• Sinks projects (only afforestation and reforestation)
The active stakeholders involved are the executive board, the project participants, designated national authority and the designated operational authority. The baseline for a CDM project is the scenario that reasonably represents the anthropogenic emissions by sources of GHS that would occur in the absence of the proposed project. The baseline should be constructed for a project on a specific basis and in a transparent and conservative manner. It should take into account project boundary, leakage potential, and relevant national and/or sectorial policies and circumstances such as sectorial reform initiatives, local fuel availability, power sector expansion plans, and the economic situation in the project sector.

The aims of CDM Solar Cooker Project Aceh 1 was to demonstrate by a pilot project that fuel efficient projects can be completely financed through Certified Emission Reductions. It can be reframed in other countries to reduce world wide climate change and consequences arising from the burning of fuel wood. The main criteria to be fulfilled are to successfully transfer sustainable technology and through the use of modalities and procedures with the objective of ensuring transparency, efficiency and accountability through independent auditing and verification activities. CDM additionally ensures compliance with UN Millennium Goals. Concept of CERS for making devices of high quality and long durability accessible to people who most need it to overcome disadvantages of conventional cooking. Through the use of prefabricated kits, these kits allow for production of high capacity and high quality to ensure transparency, efficiency and accountability. This will bring about poverty eradication, education and gender goals through the transfer of equipment and know-how. The project can minimize expenses for fuel and generate income. IT improves health standards by avoiding smoke in the kitchen and accidents due to traditional cooking, provides high quality drinking water and improves life conditions.

The solar cooker is a powerful project that fights against poverty and alleviating fuel cost. The external advantages are through sustainable technology. Furthermore, a CDM project creates short term jobs. The solar cooker began in Indonesia and has been implemented in 126 countries. This is a positive example of CDM projects.

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