Corporate Responsibility starts at the heart
When talking about of Corporate Responsibility what always comes first to mind is a big company doing some kind of philanthropic activity trying to offset its negative impacts. But in a country like Spain, where 99.88 % of the companies are SMEs, thinking that only big companies are required to be responsible leaves most of the economic activity (and pollution) out of the picture. However, that’s not the way corporate responsibility works. It is simpler, it’s all about acting responsibly.
The Oxford Dictionary defines responsibility as a moral obligation to behave correctly towards or in respect of something or someone and also as the state or fact of being accountable or to blame for something. It is as simple as that: making any decision, while keeping in mind that the decision-maker has the moral obligation to act correctly and at the same time, he or she is accountable for it. In this simple equation there is no room for the size of the company. It doesn’t matter if the company has 10 employees or 1,000, the principle is the same. What changes is the impact.
Of course, the impact of a small company that acts responsibly and seeks sustainability is nothing in comparison to transnational corporation but if we go back to the first figure (99.88 % of the companies are SMEs in Spain) our perception of the potential impact of SMEs grows exponentially. And with such an easy recipe to act responsibly: act correctly and consider the consequence of each choice; the effect could be the same as waves in the water. From a small drop (the core of the company, the leader), it amplifies and scales up in magnitude changing the way the company acts, disturbing the market, modifying how suppliers work, increasing the awareness of the community and creating and enabling environment for positive change.
But all has to come from the heart of the company, big or small. The decision-maker has to be responsible and act with responsibility.