Bilbao Water Committee is a company stablished in Bilbao in 1997, including the 43 municipalities of Bizkaia in the Basque Country (Spain). This company provides water to this region including the whole process and the cleaning activities that it needed in order to supply this area with a high quality water. In addition, they manage the sanitation of water, the spill of industrial waste and the different relationship with the municipalities and companies involved in the process.
Taking into account the activities of this company, they are cautiously aware of the environmental damage and they tools to protect the environment as a way of making business. However, now in a proactive way they are trying to move to a social responsibility model. For that, in 2011 the company showed the first CSR Report. As a first model, they shared with the community the most important figures in order to achieve the transparency with the society. But, the mainly goal that they wanted to achieve is the efficiency and the correct use of water, looking for ways to reduce the waste water.
The CSR activity of Bilbao Water Committee is based on different activities for the community sharing good environmental practices, activities to reduce the bad use of water and different types of visits to the cleaning plants of the company. For achieve this goals, they project a strategy plan with some targets with indicators in order to measure the results of these activities.
Furthermore, they organized some conferences about water management to share the good skills that they have learned during these years, with other companies and government coming from other regions and countries. Bilbao Water Committee won a prize of good practices of engineering and sustainability in 2013.
Finally, I would like to comment that this company is an example of proactivity in a field that is close related with the environment but is aware of the other parts of sustainable development: society and business.