The driver is drunken!…no, is in love! :-)

When we’ve started the SMEs class, I was really sceptic about the possibility to apply in a successful way the CSR in this level of business. I must say that I was wrong!

What I really understood is the (amazing) straight relationship which could occur between the main driver (CEO, owner, management) of the small/medium enterprise and the main stakeholder (the employees).

It’s moreover interesting how the keen pursuing of a (sustainable) goal could be transmitted to your employee if they really understand your path and your commitment to achieve it.

In the end my own reflection over this class is exactly what my title has been meant: being crazy in a SMEs, innovate and find new way to being sustainable and engage your stakeholder, and to involve your employees, this is the (NEW) way to conduct your business toward a social, responsible…lovely business!


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