DP4.- Cradle to Cradle: Sustainable development through fractal geometry

William McDonough and Michael Braungart were aware of the necessity of the creation of a framework to help them in the evaluation of the impact of projects, products and materials that companies are using in order to verify that they are healthy and eco-intelligent designed.

Therefore, in 1992 they formulated the Hannover Principles. It is a list of nine subject areas “to provide a platform upon which designers can consider how to adapt their work to sustainable ends” and “should be seen as a living document committed to the transformation and growth in the understanding of our interdependence with nature, so that they may adapt as our knowledge of the world evolves.”

The concept of sustainable development has been illustrated with the Triple Bottom Line needs. Here we can see the three circles that represent: people, planet and profits. The intersection between them is the area where there is consensus among corporate and societal, and this consensus has to be sustainable.

Taking into account the Hannover Principles and the Triple Bottom line, McDonough and Braungart developed in 2002 “The Cradle to Cradle Design Framework”. It is symbolized by a fractal equilateral triangle that integrates economy, ecology, equity and needs. In order to help companies to implement the Cradle to Cradle framework, and verify that they are using safe materials that can be disassembled and recycled as technical nutrients or composted as biological nutrients they developed the Cradle to Cradle® certification.

This web is useful to check: how the certification works, the criteria, the process, the certified products… http://www.mbdc.com/detail.aspx?linkid=2&sublink=8


Why is the C2C Framework fractal?

I have to start saying that Fractal is gorgeous! Is the tidy in the middle of the chaos, when you did not expect to find it.

We can find fractal geometry everywhere in the universe. If we are talking about environment, people and economy, we can find fractal geometry in all this areas. In the environment we can find it on trees, snowflakes or river networks; in the people we can find it on the circulatory system or even in the human behavior; in economics the fractal behavior of the price fluctuation has been study recently. Therefore, if people, planet and profit are driven by this incredible geometry, the combination of them cannot be fully understood without fractal as well.


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This Fractal triangle help us to exanimate the questions of sustainable development as it shows us us how ecology, economy and equity have linked values and how each design decision has an impact on all three. Each fractal peace has to be a 100% good in order to be a good designed and have balance in the equation. So, what we have to do is to move around the fractal inquiring how a new design can generate value in each category.


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