DP5.- Cradle to Cradle: How the Fractal Triangle works

I want to explain how the Fractal Triangle help us to exanimate the questions of sustainable development within a project. How ecology, economy and equity have linked values and how each design decision has an impact on the three areas.

Most of this post are William McDonough and Michael Braungart words from both videos and their own websites, but anyway I think it would be an interesting piece of information if you are a Cradle to Cradle “believer”.

The aim is that each fractal peace of the big triangle has to be 100% good in order to have balance, because as  if you have ever ride a tricycle, you will know that three wheels are more stable than just one or two. Therefore, what we have to do is to move around the fractal inquiring how a new design can generate value in each category.

There will be complex questions in the triangles where there are intersections between Ecology, Economy and Equity.

We cannot forget that our goal is to maximize the value in all areas of the triangle through intelligent design, because: What are we doing here, if there is not to find the “synergies” and the “tidy” in the middle of the chaos!? J

We are all finding the balance, and balance is the essence of sustainability.

“Our goal is a delightfully diverse, safe, healthy and just world, with clean air, water, soil and power – economically, equitably, ecologically and elegantly enjoyed”

William McDonough and Michael Braungart



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