Entrepreneurship: Coworking- experience and synergies for new entrepreneours
Main idea:
The idea goes beyond offering a physic place to work. Our proposal is related to the experience that all entrepreneurs need to straighten their business and get into path of the success.
We offer “places to work” (like their office), at cheap prices and in a common place. The rental will depend on the time that the person plans to use the place. We could offer places (with services, such as access to meeting room) and the entrepreneurship pays depending on their necessity and use. This common place is a great opportunity to strengthen networking, hubs, or even the creation of clusters…. (for the future). We also have though that it will be interesting to partners with consultancies (laws, and economic) in order to make easier to the entrepreneurship the process. We offer Common room, resting room, working area, fax, printer, copier, scanner. Meeting room with projector. Maybe doing an analysis how is on going the company.
The idea is to bring together all the facilities that allow young entrepreneurs being part of the network that weaves our society. This will be a space of interaction between entrepreneurs which business could be complemented each other. It is about promoting collective thinking, innovation and development of business with higher impact (measure in success and sustainability).
This is all about taking the best advantage of the economies of agglomeration.
Target: entrepreneurs in the services sector.
Political: Public policies that the government promote to make easier the set up of companies. Risk capital fund. Banks and private sector. International recognition.
Socio-cultural future: Shifts towards a change of culture. People have to be more entrepreur. In Spain people is sometimes reluctant to set up companies and it can be a most cheap way to do it. We can offer places to work. We let people to have sharing spaces, without paying the cost needed to have an office. Also, we can offer synergies where the different entrepreneur can find best solutions to set up the company taking into account different ideas. Sometimes people don’t want to work at home so, for a cheap price we can offer places to work and rooms for meetings.
Economic future: improve the idea because we are under an economic crisis in with for the trust is harm. It affects to the motivation to create companies which are our potential clients. Low salaries. Probably it will be important to wait until better economic situation. Nobody wants to spend. People are scared about the situation. There is not consumption.
Cost: 20 €/m2.
Environmental future: It affects positively the new green tendency because our project offers green actions. We can promote public transportation, car sharing, organic food, fair trade label, recycled paper. Leds.
Legal future: possible changes in the law to boost and make easier to new entrepreneurs the launching of new companies
SWOT analysis:
- Idea that responds to the current necessities that society of networks impels and takes advantage of it.
- Creates add-value for entrepreneurs business (now and in the future), in the way the offer cover a mix of connected services: physical space (with all the facilities), conferences and advice on topics strategic topics, and all the information needed for the business administration (who and where).
- It’s an idea that contributes to avoid the duplication of efforts (among entrepreneurs and other organizations)
- It is attractive for those who are starting business
- Even there are some places of co-working in Madrid, all of the have a specific focus on the offer of the physical space.
- It’s an idea that does not requires a huge initial investment
- Lack of experience in the control of different entrepreneurs
- Difficulty to find new entrepreneurship because of the economical crisis
- Problems to find the best financial advice, tax/legal consultancy
- Distribution of the spaces, it will be important to find the best possible distribution in order to make the maximum profit possible without losing the real needs of our clients.
- How to define the real solutions that we offer.
- Capacity to differ from other co-working solutions (competency)
- Capacity to segment our potential customers
- Strategic location in order to attract our clients
- Establish the price to be attractive to our clients
- Marketing campaign important.
- Find the best Internet, media to promote our company
- It is important to update this SWOT according to our entrepreneurs
- Capacity to analyse an accurate rate of return due to the difficulty to attract new clients
- Investment risk high considering that, currently, we still do not have clients
- Tax incentives and subsidies for entrepreneurs to make that more people might be encouraged to be an entrepreneur and therefore more people interested in our idea.
- The end of the economic crisis will make more people be encouraged to be an entrepreneur.
- Find an office block with a relatively low rent because of the economic crisis.
- Because of the success of our business, competition to acquire our areas for outside companies (cafeteria, stationery…)
- Find future speakers to our conferences from our new entrepreneurs.
- Global crisis: the creation of new companies is now more difficult than ever due to the global crisis. We depend on new entrepreneurs that are establishing new businesses, and that only happens if the economic environment fosters new businesses opportunities.
- Lack of credit: banks are not giving credit in Spain, the investment to implement the idea must come from initial shareholders.
- Other co-working spaces such as “Madrid HUB” are close competitors providing services to entrepreneurs. It is important to know them in order to adapt the prices.
- Office rental prices: the real estate bubble in Spain has put in the market one million of empty houses and offices. If prices decrease too much, it will be affordable for entrepreneurs to rent a whole office instead of a co-working space.