Low carbon economy

Group: Patricia, Marie, Francesco, Carlos

Main conclusions of the Article: A Practitioner´s  Guide to a Low Carbon Economy: Lessons from the UK. by Samuel Fankhauser. Policy paper 2012.

  1. Decarbonisation is not just a revolution of production, is a balance of efforts among supply via technological research and improvements in demand via changing the minds and the behaviour.

  2. Breaking the link between development and emissions.

  3. There is the necessity to act intensively now, humanity can’t wait the fall in the cost of low-carbon technology.

  4. The challenge of translating long term goals into short term measurable laws. We need a redesign of the modern economy.
  5. To achieve low carbon economy it is important to create long term credible incentives and to face behavioural and market barriers.
  6. Legislation has to be the basic guide policy to reduce the uncertainty for decision makers.
  7. Decarbonisation of socio- and economic-movement does not need to be reactive to a legislative basis to start to be disseminated.
  8. Electric power is a central issue to focus on, because it accounts for a large fraction of total GHG emissions.
  9. Command & Control measure: no flexibility due to a fixed cap which may be quite unfair due to market diversity, finally is hard to check compliance.
  10. Transition to a low carbon economy is feasible as long as the politicians are willing to include it as a need and target.


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