Materiality class: How Apple has integrate CSR into strategy?

After a glance at Apple website and to responsibility’s report, it’s pretty clear that Apple is not a pro-active and innovative company in the sustainability’s field.

The mainstream of Apple, is the reaction.

Reaction to the issues that has seen involved its supply chain, in terms of labour rights. Apple has tried to react to this and other (environmental) issues with some improvement and spreading it through some reports, but there’s still a lot of commitment to put in these fields, especially in the supply chain we can still see a lot of weaknesses in term of auditing and code of conduct spreading & complying. Apple seems to being still just in the second step of CSR, the “compliant of codes of conduct” which is far away from the integration in the corporative strategy (see picture below).

To integrate into strategy the CSR Apple should do many steps forward in the future, but from the present it doesn’t show a real intention to tackle this topics, on the contrary it shows just a “reaction” commitment brought by the reputation risk, came out from the supplier scandal (Foxconn).

Apple should see in the CSR integration into corporate strategy an additional value which could lead to a growth of its credibility and reputation, and in consequence a business opportunity, but probably the actual revenues and market feedback play the Lion’s share in this company’s strategy, but what if the revenues in the future will drop? It will come then the right moment to move forward in the CSR?



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