Measuring CR: Key Performance Indicators

Why resource-racked countries are actually poor?

Nowadays we’re seen a new worldwide scenario; in one side we can find the developed countries, whereas the consumptions are really high, following a development model which it could be defined as consumes: this has been brought to a huge disparities in the effective consumptions between these countries and the developing countries.

In the other side, the developing countries are the main holders of the raw materials all over the world. This lead to an issue: who has the main benefit for these materials? Do these countries could keep the revenues for this business? Do they become developed due to these revenues? Do these resources drive these countries to the real (and hoped) development?

Unfortunately we’re seeing these answers by our self: the fact is that the developed countries hold the technologies and have the financial power to exploit these resources, while the developing countries haven’t it. Following this way, we’re reaching a “neo-colonialism” where whom has already the technologies/financial power go to the poorer countries (but richer in natural resources) and share with them just a small amount of the revenues of this exploitment. In this vicious circle the developing countries have just a weak bargaining power, and thus they can’t avoid (and neither say no) this “partnership”.

Hence this relationship it seems to going on and on, without solution of continuity, until the developed countries would help the developing countries to reach a certain level of maturity which would be necessary/sufficient to manage by their self the resources that they own. This step it will be necessary, but in the meanwhile the developed countries, in the same way that has been done during the colonialism, are doing a huge revenues by this (proven) system, and until the big players (multinationals, corporations) will decide to change their behaviours toward a more sustainable development which could contemplate a development even for the “exploited countries”, my fear is that we’ll never be able to see a different scenario in the future.


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