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Marketing-Video blog: Enjoy Christmas time in Madrid!

I hope you all have the opportunity to discover the magic places Madrid offers during Christmas.

P.S. Do not forget that also YOU can live an eco-friendly Christmas choosing recycled or hand-made decorations, Chritmas cards, trees and gifts!

Marketing Video Blog

Here goes a short video presentation of me. I hope you will all enjoy it!!

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Marketing Video: Life of Hokuma

Marketing can be about selling… but it can also be about telling stories.
Here is a short video I made, to show you the things I love, my hobbies and passions.
Hope you enjoy it! ;)

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Marketing Video Blog

I honestly do not have words to describe my job. Just watch it. Do not be cruel!

Sorry for the delay however it has took more time that I expected upload the video to youtube.

Remember have fun!

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Marketing: Video Blog

video blog

Marketing: Videoblog

think. act. now.


Every action counts. Make a difference.


Think of future generation.

Act as conscious consumer.

When, if not now?


So watch the video now, think, and act.


Create Tomorrow Today #Marketing Video Blog

My name is Marie Glück and I am from Germany. With this Video Blog I want to give you a summary of things I can, what I love and what I want to do. The “International Master in Sustainable Development and Corporate Responsibility” equips me with tools to identify and implement sustainable strategies. I want to challenge the Status Quo and work with a brilliant team. You have the feeling your team and me fit together? I would love to get to know you!

Download Marie Glück Video Résumé

Together we can do what we never can do alone!

Marketing Video Blog

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#DP: New business models

hey everybody, in one of last DP classes, we talked about the protests against the way private companies do business and one of the most studied cases in this area is about Interface, a carpet company based in the US. I’m sharing here a link to a 3 min. interview with the CEO of the company, which is very interesting… this interview was included in a documentary called “The Corporation”, which is awesome for those who like the topic about the role of corporations in our world

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