Starting the Project Management subject

Welcome to the Project Management course.

The objective of this course is to take you through the basics of Project Management, covering Project Planning, Project Scope Management, Time Management, Resources Management, Risk Management and Project Monitoring and Control.

The course will follow the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK)© contents and methodology, developed by the Project Management Institute (PMI) and recognised by the American National Standard Institute (ANSI) and by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

My personal objective for the course is that students learn by discussing practical and real life examples in class and having fun!. Project Management is the discipline that brings all the other disciplines together to create something that did not exist before. In consequence, I will be supporting the course with real practices in companies that I have worked for, mainly in the Aerospace and Engineering sectors. I hope that, besides the know-how you can get in Project Management, you also get a good flavour of the “real life” inside any business these days.

In line with this latter objective, we have designed a case that you will need to solve in your groups. The goal of this case is to launch a new product to the market: the ePad 3D – does it sound familiar?. We hope it will be fun to solve it and work with your colleagues simulating a real company environment.

I am looking forward to starting the course with you. Just in case you still wonder why we need Project Management, here you have a first taste: A380 Assembly.

Francisco Javier Sánchez-Segura. EOI PM teacher.

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