Unnatural Resouce Depletion

Natural Resource Management course brought me to the thought that the very combination “natural resources” opposes the human “unnatural” behaviour.

Here I include an ironic but in fact amazingly truthful video on the mentioned topic by Steve Cutts.


And now my contribution to the world of natural resouces responsible attitude –

the range of motivating slogans following the idea of simplicity.

“Natural Resource Management in 6 Basic Steps”:

NRM? Step 1. Face the challenges.*

NRM? Step 2.  Mind overshooting the bio-productivity.*

NRM? Step 3.  Water and soil – don’t spoil.*

NRM? Step 4. Engage in eSOCIAL management.

NRM? Step 5.




NRM? Step 6. Get recognized by your responsible phylosophy: Certify!**

* – created together with Annette Winkler

** – created together with Javier Fresco


Resource: http://www.aarohi.org/

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