What’s love got to do with it?

And no i’m not talking about the song made famous by Tina Turner…….What does love have to do with business and CSR?

The business of business is profit. Right? But in order to have profit they need consumers. So if we are to simplify the process the business of business to have customers. So what draws a customer to a company or brand?

When it comes to brands and companies we are often drawn to those who we have a strong feeling of affection or those who give us pleasure and spark our interest. Love. The same kind of feeling that makes us fall for a person is in essence what draws us to a brand or company. What makes people fall for the brand? Love for the product (hopefully),the  promises they make, the promises they deliver. And maybe its because on more spiritual level they connect with us and our values.

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In life and in love we are drawn to those values we can see (through actions) and can share. When brands and companies live their values and when those values are in turn shared by us, the consumer, then there is a connection and this is ultimately where CSR 3.0 comes into effect. CSR is not just about saving the trees but being a responsible business taking care of your direct and indirect employees, doing good for society and of course doing good for the planet. CSR 3.0 being the proactive, adaptable and also action over just words. Companies like Lush, Innocent Smoothies, Coca Cola get this right and when companies and brands get this right they are resilinent to any of the challenges that may come their way.



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