When a Solution Meets a Need
We have always had social entrepreneurs among us even though they were not called by that name, many things we see around us today were done by them. The importance of its new name can been seem from their innovation. They create and solve significant social needs and bring out lasting innovation that satisfies a need.
Social Entrepreneurs solve problems that their solution is designed to address, they are reformers and revolutionaries with a social purpose as described by Schumpeter. They reduce needs rather then just meeting them and create systemic procedures in changing it, which in a way makes them pioneers for commercial entrepreneurs to follow. As a result social entrepreneurs are more analytical in the sense that they try to understand social, economic, political and cultural context of an issue or problem they are trying to solve then a traditional business person.
Even though making profit and creating wealth is good social entrepreneur looks for lasting sustainable impact rather then ripping of people without value or impact to the field that they are operating. They believe tackling the problem from its roots rather then just giving it temporary treatment.
Another interesting facts about social entrepreneurs is that even though they are very innovative not all of them come out with new invention but rather they improve on what others have created with their creativity, and the one vital key about them also have to do with their acceptance for defeat. They see failure as a process for improvement and not a destiny of disaster, and because they are long time learners they try to be academically honest about what they learn.
Social entrepreneurs are one special breed of leader, and they should be recognized as such. This definition preserves their distinctive status and assures that social entrepreneurship is not treated lightly. We need social entrepreneurs to help us find new avenues toward social improvement as we enter the next century.
I will like to conclude my points with the summary of Dees on who social entrepreneur is
- Social entrepreneurs play the role of change agents in the social sector, by
- Adopting a mission to create and sustain social value (not just private value);
- Recognizing and relentlessly pursuing new opportunities to serve that mission.
- Engaging in a process of continuous innovation, adaptation, and learning;
- Acting boldly without being limited by resources currently in hand, and exhibiting heightened accountability to the constituencies served and for the outcomes created.