Change is needed

Many people are aware of it: If we continue to treat our planet like we do now, we will rob us our basis of life. I have a dream about a sustainable world where humans are not exploiting nature and the basic needs of everybody are met. It was raining in Madrid some days ago – an unusual weather here. Nonetheless I like it. I like it to feel some raindrops on my skin, if the wind blows and plays with my hair. Nature can show its power in different ways. For example with earthquakes or thunderstorms. I understand it as follows: «Do not work against me! Do not exploit me! Do not trample all over me!»

I am happy to be here at EOI and to take one step towards my dream of a sustainable world. I am even more happy to take this step together with people who are passionate about our planet too. For sure we will have a fantastic time together. Thanks for the great start!

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