From point A to point B

The overall message is fixed in mind: Raise Awareness! And yes, the course raised my awareness. It helped me a lot to talk about why we conduct presentations. Why do we present? We present mainly to get people from point A to point B. To manage this it is important to mind the benefit for the audience and to keep it simple. Interesting for me was the question: why am I nervous before a presentation? It is not because I don’t like it to present, actually I enjoy it. But what makes me to blush even though I prepared it carefully? I will bear it in mind and question myself before each presentation to find it out.

The second part was about Negotiations and we discussed two different approaches: The Win-Lose and Win-Win approach. After our exercise I realized how easy people can start competing during a negotiation. It is all about psychology and the course helped me to extend my knowledge about it. I think the most important is to look for common ground and to make people say YES!

During the third part about Effective Leadership we distinguished between the different focus of manager and leader. The manager focuses more on tasks and the leader more on humans. I already knew about this but didn’t bring it to paper that structured. The point really caught me was “The Golden Cycle” by Simon Sinek. Why do I what I do? I thought about this before and it made me think again. The same happened with the question on what are my values. I think it is very important to know why you do what you do but only a few know it.

The course definitely brought me from point A to point B: I am more aware of my environment and use the tools we have received. I am eager to improve my presentation skills and to concentrate on the purpose why I do what I do. Thanks for the inspiring class!

“Whatever you are, be a good one.” Abraham Lincoln

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