Environment and Natural Resource Management

Hi guys:

welcome to the Environment and Natural Resource Management Module in the IMSD.

This is a module to create or consolidate your ecological knowledge as strong foundation of your professional way of acting. We need to be creative to transform current threats and impacts on our ecosystems or to face the scarcity of natural resource management. Are we able to identify opportunities to transform harmful activities into responsible ones in favour of environment and humanity?

Today, humanity’s demands exceed our planet’s capacity to sustain us. That is, we ask for more than what we have. Throughout this module we’ll try to build a clear understanding about the main challenges humanity is facing in connection with nature. We will start reflecting on key concepts and main ecological process and how these are linked to our economical activities, markets ad policies. How leadership and responsible management of natural resources can contribute to facilitate the needed meeting between “ecology” and “economy” and create value for companies and organizations.

 To start, I recommend you a short video on one of the main ecological processes.


Félix Romero. EOI Teacher.

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